星期四, 五月 31, 2007

Tips on technical writing.

I have started writing a series of blogs on the topic of technical writing. There are many good books out there that you can explore (I will make a list of these book some day when I have time) but I have rarely seen any student reading anyone of them. These blogs are intended to be short and topic-based, and are based on my own experience when supervising or grading student projects. My goal is to write down my observations and my proposals for improvements in a simple way so that these tips can be of practical value to my students. Please comment and ask questions if you need!

Current posts on the topic of technical writing:

Clearly defining and justifying your research problem.

Defining your research problem is the single most important, and at the same time the hardest part of your research. It is my experience that most students (and their supervisors) spend too little time on defining what they really want to do and why. This results not only in unmotivated students and supervisors, but also in highly unfocused reports where there is little relation between the different chapters. And even worth, you might end up spending half a year or a year of your life doing research that no one really cares about!

I have no clearcut advise on this topic. Defining a research problem is a dialog and needs to be done continuously in the course of your research (but justification should preferably be there from the beginning!). Some guidelines that I find useful for myself:

  1. Be as critical as you can be! Always ask the question: What would happen to the world if I stopped doing this research right now? If no-one would care, then you should stop your research. But normally there is someone who cares, e.g. your supervisor. If it is only your supervisor who cares, then go ahead and challenge your supervisor (ask him/her why only he/she cares and no one else).
  2. Find and know your beneficiaries! Often it is not true that no one cares about your research (thanks God). No matter how obscure your invention is, someone could think of paying for it. Know who that someone is even if your research is not obscure.
  3. Have a serious talk with your beneficiaries! Imaging you were a door seller, trying to sell the end product of your own research to your beneficiaries by knocking on their door at dinner time. How would the conversation between you and this hungry, disturbed, annoyed beneficiary be? While the only thing he/she is thinking about is to go back to his dinner? Remember that there is a big difference between you and a real door seller: you are not approaching an arbitrary person, you are approaching your beneficiary! So don’t be shy!
  4. Look into research done by other researchers (ask your supervisor!). Often you are not the only one who wants to solve exactly this problem. The world is full of researchers. If no one has looked into the same or similar problems as you want to look into, then you should ask yourself why. And why you are waiting for an answer, take another look into this site.

Reveal your secrets as early and as often as possible.

Remember, you are not writing a crime fiction! This is a very common mistake in technical writing, and is a very annoying one as well, especially for the reader! It is common practice in literary genres such as crime fiction that the writer follows a very secrete plot when telling the story. The writer does not want to reveal any secrets that will spoil the plot. This approach should be strongly avoided in technical writing! You must reveal all your secrets as soon as possible! There are many ways of doing this in a report:

  1. Get institutionalized! Make it a habit to sum up whatever you are trying to say in 1-2 sentences in the beginning of your block of text and 1-2 sentences in the end of your block of text. E.g.:
  2. The abstract and the conclusions: The first and the best place to reveal your secrets is in the abstract of your report/paper. The abstract should tell in short what problem you addressed, what method you used, and what results you achieved. So no secrets left! Also a good idea to summarize your revealed secrets in your conclusions so you are sure you don’t leave anything to guess work and fantasy.
  3. The chapters: Introduction to each chapter should state shortly what secrets you intend to say in that chapter, and the summary should summarize the revealed secrets.
  4. Sections and paragraphs: Each section and even each paragraph should have a short sentence in the beginning to give a hint of what you intend to say in it.
  5. Don’t hide! Never hide!

I am not sure what the reason for this annoyance is, i.e. why readers get annoyed when technical writings are mysterious. Maybe the reason is that the reader of a technical report/paper is not expecting to be confronted with a crime fiction, and they feel cheated. Another reason in my view is due to the complexity of technical text; if the user does not have a clue of the goal of the text, it is difficult to follow the text and use the sentences to build a mental model of what the writer wants to say.

I also strongly believe the reason for writing mysteriously is that the writer does not have a clue of what he/she is writing about!

The importance of terminology in technical writing.

One of the main problems reading an immature technical text is that it does not make consistent use of a clear terminology. A clear terminology emerges as you do your research, and you need to be in control of it. Even the simplest and most obvious concepts need to be referred to in a consistent way (e.g. “user” or “end user” or “customer”, which one to use?). Here are some suggestions:

  1. Explicitly define and continuously refine your terminology: Work continuously with your terminology and give meaningful names to things you define. If you see yourself repeating the same sentence many times in your text, this sentence might be a candidate for being replaced with a term/name. Do your terminology work systematically. Use a table or, even better, UML class notation to be as formal as you can. Being formal in technical writing is not a bad thing!
  2. Get to know the jargon of your field: Once you have defined your research topic, try consciously to learn and use the jargon commonly used your field. Don’t forget to include the jargon in your terminology table!
  3. Define your terms the first time you use them: In your report/paper don’t forget to provide a short definition of your terms the first time you use them. Don’t use a term without also showing what you mean by that term. Preferably index your first definition of a term in your index chapter at the end of the document so it is easy to look up definitions (or have all your definitions in a table).
  4. Use your terminology! Don’t just define the terms, use them consistently in your report. Using the defined terms consistently not only allows the reader to quickly become familiar with them, but it also makes your text more consistent and more compact.
  5. Don’t overdo! The only terms that need to be defined by you are the ones directly related to your problem domain. This is tricky as it takes time to develop your understanding of your problem domain, and to focus your writing. There exist accepted definitions of many terms out there (e.g. in wikipedia). Use these definitions as much as possible for terms that are not central for your problem area.

Writing the abstract.

The abstract is an important part of your report and will in most cases be the sole determinant of the impact of the research you did. So it is better you spend some time writing a good abstract. The abstract is normally written as a stand-alone text (ranging from a paragraph to a whole page or more) that summarizes your article/report. In 99% of cases it is the abstract that will determine whether someone will read your report or not.

In today’s world there is so much information around that your article/report will be very hard to spot. Any researcher in search of literature will rely solely on the abstract of an article/report before deciding whether that article is of any interest. If the abstract does not in a clear and concise manner say what you did, your larger article/report text will not be attractive to anyone because they will not know what is in it (because they don’t have time and do not see why they should read your article/report).

In order to know what should be in an abstract consider what the abstract will be used for:

  1. Knowing your research problem: Maybe the single most important reason a researcher will read your article/report is because you are trying to solve the same research problem as he/she is. It is important that your abstract includes a short and concise description of your research problem, preferably stated using the terms and jargon of the research field.
  2. Your research method: The same problem can be addressed in radically different ways. E.g. the problem of aging in place can be addressed architecturally, medically, socially/politically, technologically etc. If your research is related to e.g. solving the problem of aging in place, and you constructed and tested a piece of technology to this end, you should emphasize this in you abstract by saying that your approach/method was that of developing and testing technology (and not, say, changing public opinion about aging in place).
  3. Your results: In order to allow others evaluate whether your research is important or not, you should summarize your most important results and findings in your abstract. There is no meaning in hiding your results, and the abstract is the best place to expose these!
  4. Archiving and search: Abstracts are archived in databases and are in many cases the only part of your text that will be searched. Although most search engines search also inside an article/text, searching abstract is of more value if the most important terms and keywords are present in it.

So, go ahead and write your abstract now!

Web resources:

  • Example abstract: One of the better abstracts I have seen lately. It is from the paper titled “A Developers Bill of Rights: What Open Source Developers Want in a Software License” by Alan MacCormack. The abstracts is so well-written that it gives a complete overview of what MacCormack’s paper is all about. The abstract starts with a problem definition, gives a short motivation for the problem, tells how he addressed the problem, i.e. methodology, and what the results were. The abstract concludes with an optional part on the usefulness of the paper in general.
  • How to get your abstract rejected. By Mary-Claire van Leunen and Richard Lipton. Give some advise specific to ACM SigSoft conferences, but still a good read.
  • Advise to authors of extended abstracts. By William Pugh. Some conferences require what is called an extended abstract for their first round of submission. An abstract for a thesis does not need to be 2-3 pages (as an extended abstract will be). However, there are some very useful hints in this page.

Why and how to write the state-of-the-art.

State-of-the-art (SoTA) is a step to demonstrate the novelty of your research results. The importance of being the first to demonstrate research results is a cornerstone of research business. You cannot get a Nobel prize (anymore) by learning Einstein’s law of photoelectric effect by heart and presenting it as your own. Einstein did it before you, and everyone knows it. When Einstein presented his theory the theory had novelty. Einstein could demonstrate his theory’s novelty by presenting a SoTA and showing that no other researcher had ever presented such results. That’s why he got a Nobel prize and you will not.

Besides demonstrating the novelty of your research results, a SoTA has other important properties:

  • It teaches you a lot about your research problem. By reading literature related to your research problem you will learn from other researchers and it will be easier for you to understand and analyze your problem.
  • It proves that your research problem has relevance. If many people are trying to solve the same research problem as you, and if you can demonstrate this in your SoTA, then no one can tell you the problem you are trying to solve is not important.
  • It shows approaches to a solution. By seeing many different approaches taken by other researchers, you can evaluate your own approach and realize its novelty (or lack of it) easily. You can also see which approaches are the most popular and which are dead ends.
  • It shows what you can reuse from what others have done. Especially when doing research on new software, it is amazing how many people have made the exact software you are planning to make. Just take a look at sourceforge.

So how to write a good SoTA? Writing a good SoTA is 110% dependent on having a clear problem definition. If you have failed in defining your problem clearly, you will fail in writing a good SoTA. The reason is that you will not know what related research you should investigate. So if you have problems with your SoTA, please go back and work on your problem definition! Here are some steps/hints on starting to write:

  1. SoTA is not a one-way road. You will not sit down one evening and write your SoTA. You will do it all the time while writing your paper/report. Knowing what other researchers are doing should be a part of your life for all the duration of your research. So an important step is to create a system of registering and summarizing what you read. Use some bibliography software such as BibTeX or EndNode, register everything you read, and register your understanding of what you read, in your own words.
  2. Be critical when choosing your literature. Don’t read everything. There is a LOT of garbage out there on the web, and you don’t want to waste your time. One important criteria for choosing your literature is to make sure that it is peer-reviewed and is already presented/published in well-known conferences/journals. In case of technical IT-related stuff, ACM and IEEE are good places to start. It is also a good idea to set up an initial SoTA literature list together with your supervisor.
  3. Stop reading! Make an initial selection of literature (10-20 papers, depending on research problem) and stick to these for a while. Don’t go on finding new papers all the time, or you will never finish your thesis!
  4. Spend time on analysis and not on making summaries! A mere summary of 10-20 papers is not a SoTA. There is software out there that can summarize any paper for you, automatically and much faster than you ever will be able to. Your summaries become a SoTA only when you relate the papers to your problem analysis.
  5. Always give credit! Not giving credit for others’ research is also called plagiarism.

How to submit interim versions of your thesis for review by your supervisor.

This topic is for you and your supervisor! It discusses a problem for your supervisor to allocate enough quality time to give you constructive feedback while you are writing your thesis. Most master theses become quickly 100+ pages. It takes a loooong time to read through them, and this might result in not only long evenings for your supervisor, but also inferior feedback to you from your supervisor (because he/she might fall asleep while reading your interim versions over and over again). The bottom line is that if you want good feedback from your supervisor you have to help him/her provide you with quality review time! Some tips on how you can structure your interim deliveries:

  • Use change tracking! All word processors have a feature called change tracking that will allow you to mark lately edited text. This makes it easy for a reader to see what text was changed since last time he/she read the document. In MS Word you simply press Ctrl+Shift+E to activate/deactivate change tracking. See also this page. LaTeX uses a number of different methods, the one called changebar is a good one. Alternatively if change tracking becomes tedious you can mark the change/added text using colors.
  • Use versions and a change log. Add a table to the beginning of your document, where you insert one row for each version of your document together with a version number, date, and main changes you have done to different chapters/sections.
  • Keep track of the feedback you get. In many cases important feedback from your supervisor gets ignored (which makes your supervisor furious). Even if you don’t understand the feedback or you don’t think you should take any actions, keep the comments in your document. In MS Word you can add comments to different parts of your text. In LaTeX I don’t know how you can do this (maybe use footnotes).
  • Keep track of older versions. Sometimes you might delete or edit text that you end up regretting. Use version control packages such as TortoiseSVN for not only backing up your documents but also keeping track of different versions of your documents. Remember to submit detailed change logs when you add new versions to your version control database!
  • Be targeted when asking for feedback. Ask your supervisor which chapters/parts of your report need feedback every time you submit an interim version. This will help your supervisor to prioritize his/her reading.
  • Don’t expect your supervisor to write your thesis! Respect the fact that your supervisor most probably has a lot of other things to do. He/she has not the luxury of focusing all his/her time on a thesis or a paper. Don’t expect many reads. Don’t send documents on Friday evenings, expecting feedback on Monday morning. Rely on your own judgment (remember you are the researcher!) and use these blogs. If you think new blogs should be added or existing ones should be improved, contact Babak. To see how your research will be judged I recommend you to read this article.

Tips on Preparing a Scientific Research Paper

Tips on Preparing a Scientific Research Paper

Sometimes, the hardest part of any assignment is getting started. This is especially true for research projects because there are several steps involved: deciding on the right topic, gathering sources of information, putting it all together, and finally, writing the paper.

The following tips were prepared by the Sea Grant Program at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), with the help of researchers, librarians, and teachers, to help you organize your research paper from beginning to end. While putting it off to the last minute may sound like a good idea when the teacher assigns the project, procrastination never makes the project easier to complete! Fear not. Read through these tips, take it step-by-step and week-by-week, and you'll be finished before you know it.

Understanding Your Assignment, Plotting a Course of Action
- How to Start, Where to Start
- Identifying Topics of Interest
- What Do You Want to Say About Your Topic?
- Outling Your Project

Compiling Resources
- Teacher/Classroom resources
- Ask your librarian for help!
- On-line Searches
- Organizations to Contact

Organizing Your Resources
- How much is Enough?

Preparing the Paper or Project
- Mental Preparation
- Expand on Your Outline
- Make your research work for you
- Write clearly and logically

Reviewing Your Paper or Project

"Tips Guide" Credits

Tips on Preparing a Scientific Research Paper

Understanding Your Assignment, Plotting a Course of Action

How to start, Where to Start
Most likely, you know which classes require research papers or science projects ahead of time. Getting the assignment should not come as a big surprise. Perhaps you've been thinking about a topic, or maybe you've been putting that off, hoping the teacher might, somehow, forget to assign that 20-page research paper this semester. In any case, the time has come; the decree has been issued: you shall write a research paper.

One of the first things to do is think about the time frame you're dealing with. Do you have two weeks to complete the assignment? Four weeks? Six weeks? Will you need to submit an outline at some point? Plan ahead! Most likely, your other homework assignments, after school activities, and weekend plans won't stop just because you're working on a research paper. Look at a calendar: mark the date that the paper is due, along with any other deadlines associated with the project. It's not a bad idea to write down other dates, including any other large assignments, tests, or events that will require some of your time.

Identifying Topics of Interest
You've received your assignment and consulted a calendar, now it's time to choose a topic for your research paper. Choose something that fits the assignment, yet interests you. Chances are, by the time you finish this project, you'll be an expert on your subject. Make it something you'll enjoy researching and educating others about.

While your freedom to choose a topic may or may not be unlimited, remember that a large part of this assignment involves research. Finding references and resources for a very specific or unusual topic may be a lot more time-consuming than a popular subject. On the other hand, choosing a topic that is too broad or general could result in a paper that doesn't have a strong focus.

Your best bet may be selecting a few topics or subjects that you think may result in an interesting and informative paper and do a bit of preliminary research. A quick card catalog or computer search at your school or public library will give you a good indication as to whether references and supporting materials are readily available. This also could help you narrow down your choices: if no references come up, or very few, this may be a difficult subject to work on. Conversely, if tens or hundreds of references come up, you may want to narrow the topic down to something more specific.

What Do You Want to Say about Your Topic?
Once you've selected your topic, the next consideration is what to say about the topic. Your goals: find out all you can about your topic and prepare a paper that educates readers about the subject.

One way to decide what to say about your topic is to consider what you'd like to know about your subject. Is there anything that intrigues you about your topic? Is there anything controversial about your topic that could be explored? Are there pros and cons to your topic that could be compared and contrasted? Are there trends or events that might impact your topic in the future or that may have impacted your subject in the past? Having an angle or a hypothesis may also result in more references and resources for your paper.

Outlining Your Project
Now that you have your topic selected, and you've given thought to what ideas you'd like to present about your topic, it's time to prepare an outline. This is important to do, even if you are not required to turn in an outline as part of the assignment. An outline will be very useful later, as you begin your research and reference collecting. It will be a handy reference tool to keep you focused on the goals you'd like to accomplish with the project. By creating an outline early in the process, you will be able to envision the finished product and the steps you need to take to reach that goal.

Once you've gotten further into your research, you may find that what you originally wanted to say in your paper is not relevant, or is less interesting than you'd expected. Don't panic! This happens often, and proves the value of good organization and time management. Outlines are easy to revisemuch easier than re-writing large sections of a research paper!

When writing an outline include everything, from your subject and hypothesis or theme to the main points you hope to make, to the bibliography. By doing so, you'll be able to see which areas need research.

Outlines are very useful when you reach the writing stage. Faced with piles of references, which can include books, articles, notes, and quotes, you'll be glad you wrote an outline! Referring to your outline will help you organize your notes and references by section or, for example, by points you'll be making in your paper. That way, when it's time to pull it all together and get down to writing, your references and notes will be organized and easy to find.

Tips on Preparing a Scientific Research Paper

Compiling Resources

Once you've got your outline together, it's time to start researching your subject. This can be another intimidating part of preparing a research paper. In many cases, it is the most time-consuming part of the project, so plan accordingly. Also, be prepared for the fact that your school or local library may not have everything you need on your subject. In some cases, you may have to get books or publications from other libraries, or you may have to write away for information. Allow time for this!

Teacher/Classroom resources
When assigning research papers or projects, some teachers may provide a list of references or resources for you to work from. Even if that is the case, these references will not, in most cases, be the only resources you'll need. Be prepared to do some searching in other places. Your teacher is a great starting point. Because teachers have had experience assigningand preparingresearch projects in the past, they are probably familiar with other, local resources. Check with your teacher early so that he or she has time to provide you with some information and that you have enough time to contact these sources. Also, your teacher may have reference books in the classroom that could be used during a free period, during lunch, or after school.

Ask your librarian for help!
Never underestimate the knowledge of your librarian! Remember, librarians know their collections. They are familiar with the types of reference books, periodicals, and other resources in their library and are usually more than happy to help you locate resources and get you acquainted with the library. Aside from your school or public library, there may be colleges or universities nearby. Sometimes, local companies have their own in-house libraries or research libraries. While such libraries may require special permission to access or borrow materials, they are definitely worth contacting. In many cases, the variety, selection, and collections of materials are more current or extensive than community or school libraries. Before you set out for these libraries, it's best to call ahead to find out their business hours and borrowing policies.

Once you're at a library, be adventurous! Encyclopedias may be useful for general information about a subject, but they are often outdated or too vague for a research paper. Try out the card catalog or on-line computer catalog and search it by subject. Once you come up with a list of references, hit the stacks! One book or periodical may lead to additional references that you would not have found through a card catalog or computer search. If you come up with an author that seems to have published more than one item on your subject, try a computer search by the author's name. Title searches are helpful if you're looking for a publication that you've used before or that someone has recommended to you.

Reference materials are another important resource. In most cases, reference materials cannot be checked out of a library, although you are free to use them while you're there and photocopy pages that you'd like to study later. With all references, be sure to jot down the relevant end note or footnote information if you'll be referencing any of the material in your paper. This is important to do whether you'll be paraphrasing, quoting, or just referring to the information. For help creating accurate end notes or footnotes, refer to the citation resources listed at the end of this publication. These sources include guidance for citing on-line sources, software, CD-ROMs, and more.

While books, periodicals, and library reference materials may be the most common resources for research papers, there are other sources that may prove just as useful. Videos are one example. Libraries are a good source of videos, as are professional organizations that specialize in a subject area. If your school has a media specialist, ask them if they receive video catalogs that you could take a look at. Also, television channels such as Discovery, The Learning Channel, and public broadcasting channels, as well as special cable programs, such as Nova, often list their upcoming programs in publications for school media professionals. Such programs are also good resources.

Another excellent source of information is CD-ROMs. Aside from excellent, up-to-date encyclopedias, dictionaries and thesauruses, there are now CD-ROMs available on many specific topics. Check your school or community library, or check with your school's computing instructor. Many computer supply magazines also carry educational CD-ROMs.

On-line Searches
With the growing popularity and availability of on-line computer networks, conducting literature searches on a school, library, or home computer is another excellent way to identify resources and references on your subject. The Internet, for example, can bring information to your computer terminal from throughout the world. There are a number of software programs that have been developed specifically for conducting on-line searches, called "browsers." These operate in much the same way a card catalog or library computer searches by subject, title, author, or key word. Check with your teacher or school computer expert, or ask your school or public librarian if they offer such capabilities. A word about on-line sources of information: it can be difficult to determine the accuracy of information accessed on-line. As with published reference material, be sure to include the URL (Uniform Resource Locator), and date of any on-line material you refer to in your paper (see the citation resources at the end of this publication for details). An example of a URL is: http://www.whoi.edu/seagrant/.

Organizations to Contact
If your teacher recommends calling local "experts" or organizations, keep this in mind: professionals are very busy doing their jobs. While they may be more than willing to help you with your project, it is important to know your subject before you contact them. Once you're familiar with the subject and feel comfortable talking about it, jot down some questions that they might be able to answer. Being prepared before contacting a professional will show them that you are organized and interested in the subject. Ask a few specific questions and ask them to explain something if you don't understand what they are saying. It's OK to ask questions if you've done your homework, but don't expect the experts to do your assignment for you! You may also want to ask if they can recommend any books, publications, or other organizations to contact. Sometimes the best way to find good resources is to ask good sources!

Tips on Preparing a Scientific Research Paper

Organizing Your Resources

How much is Enough?
One of the more difficult aspects of collecting references and resources for your paper is deciding when you've got enough. A good rule of thumb is to ask yourself, do I have enough material to support my main points? This is a good time to refer to your outline and go through each point that you wanted to make in your paper. Based on your research and supporting references, can you make those poitns and back them up with facts and/or examples? Chances are, you'll have more than enough information for some of your points and not enough for others. Identify the places where you are lacking references, and head back to the library. This time around, collecting the necessary references should be much quicker since you've identified specific areas to address.

Once you're comfortable with your resources and feel you've got enough information to write your paper and present your subject thoroughly, it's time to organize! Now is the time to group all of the information you've collected by category or main points. Keep these piles separate and mark or label them by section or category. An easy way to do this is to refer to your outline and assign each section a number or letter mark and your piles of information the same way.

Based on the research you've done and the information you've gathered, check your outline to see if it needs to be revised. Be sure that your points match your supporting materials. Take the time to do this now, before you start writing. Lastly, be sure you have recorded all of the relevant information for referencing resources in your report. And, when in doubt, cite the source for something that may not be 100% original!

Tips on Preparing a Scientific Research Paper

Preparing the Paper or Project

Mental Preparation
Now that you've made it this far, you might think that writing or typing your paper will be a snap! Often, this is not the case. A sense of anxiety or "writer's block" can slow down even the most organized! There are a couple of tips that should help get you into the writing frame-of-mind. Once you've finished that first paragraph or two, things begin to get easier. Really.

For starters, re-visit original questions, hypotheses, and ideas to stimulate your thought process. Remind yourself that you have worked hard to gather good resources and references to back up these questions, hypotheses, and ideas. Think about the things that you've learned about your subject while researching it and what you'd like to share with others to educate them about this subject you know so well.

Are you feeling confident yet?

Expand on Your Outline
Before actually beginning to write the research paper, some people find it helpful to expand on their outline. Basically, this involves adding a sentence or two under the headings or main points to summarize the points you will make. Jotting notes in the margins about which references you will cite may also be helpful.

Other people may decide to skip this process and start writing. Do whatever feels more comfortable to you. Perhaps you tried to start writing and got stuck. Try expanding on your outline and you may find yourself writing your paper by point number two. You've done your homework; whether or not you jump into the actual paper writing or decide to expand your outline does not matter. Your paper is almost finished!

Make Your Research Work For You
With all of the research you've done, make sure you present your references in a way that shows you've done your homework. Also be sure that your voice comes through in your writing. While it's important to have references to back up your main points, you don't want so many that your paper seems like one long quotation from books and articles!

How do your resources and reference materials support your objectives, ideas, and hypothesis? This should be clear to the reader. Backing up one of your strong points with a weak reference or quotation will disappoint your reader and water down your argument. You collected your references because they supported your ideas make sure that you convey this to your readers!

Write clearly and logically
This is very important. Write as if you are explaining what you've learned to someone who knows nothing about your topic; do not assume your reader has any prior knowledge of your subject matter. While you don't want to over-simplify, a thorough explanation of some of your main points and ideassince they may not be familiar to your readerwarrant an explanation, even if it's brief. Remember how frustrating it was when you came across a good source of information on your subject but discovered it was written at too technical a level. Don't frustrate your reader by doing the same thing! When in doubt, put a note next to a paragraph that may be too technical or difficult to understand and ask a friend or a parent to read it. Chances are, they'll be able to tell you whether or not you should explain it in more detail.

Once you've finished writing or even as you're writing take an occasional look at what you've written. Does the paper flow logically from one section to the next? If not, you may want to work on a smoother "transition." Basically, this means adding a transitional phrase or sentence at the beginning of a section that takes the reader from your last point to your next point without stopping abruptly. If you're having trouble, check with your English teacher or have a friend or parent offer suggestions. Sometimes the problem is that you're just too familiar with the subject to be objective!

Another thing to look out for while you're writing is clarity. Write what you mean. Don't get carried away with large words or flowery vocabulary. Be direct. Remember, you're educating your audience. Leave out or delete sections that get away from your main points. Try not to be overly concerned with numbers of pages. A well-written paper containing strong points that have been supported by referenceseven if it's a page or two shorter than what your teacher may have asked forwill read better (and most likely, receive a better grade) than a poorly organized, sloppily referenced paper that fills pages with unimportant information.

Tips on Preparing a Scientific Research Paper

Reviewing Your Paper or Project

You've reached the final step: reviewing your finished product. Try to avoid doing this right after you've finished writing your paper. Take a break or wait until the next day, if you have enough time. It's a good idea to put some time between writing and reviewing your work. That way, you can clear your mind from the organizing, compiling, writing, referencing mode and be more objective when you go back and read your paper from beginning to end.

Once you feel ready to review your work, the kinds of things to look for should be similar to the goals and objectives included in your outline. Have you covered the areas you'd hoped to? Have you answered your original questions and objectives? Have you conveyed knowledge and information that's easy to follow? Do you feel confident that you've learned something about your subject that will interest others? Are the things you learned and found most interesting about your subject included in your paper?

More obvious things to look for when you review your work are grammar and appearance. Check for misspellings or typos, proper punctuation and spacing, page numbering, and proper construction of footnotes, end notes or a reference section. Now that you've invested so much time and energy in this project, you want to make sure it looks as good as the information contained within your paragraphs!

At this point, you should congratulate yourself! Barring any unforeseen calamities, such as the dog eating your paper or dropping it in a puddle on the way to school, you're nearly home free. This is a good time to evaluate your paper preparation experience. What would you do differently the next time? Research projects are often easier to do with some prior experience. For now, reward yourself for all of your hard work by doing something you really enjoy and don't forget to return any borrowed books, magazines, or other reference materials you checked out of the library or borrowed from other sources. If you received help or advice from a professional, it's always nice to send a thank you note.

Tips on Preparing a Scientific Research Paper


Citation Resources
- Baker, Sheridan. The Practical Stylist (New York, New York: Harper and Row, 1981), p. 206.
- Corby, Kate. "Sources of citation format informa tion." 09/10/96. http://www.msu.edu/corby/ reference/citeinfo.htm (1/2/98).
- Li, Xia and N.B. Crane. Electronic Style: A Guide to Citing Electronic Information (Westport: Meckler, 1993), p. 65.
- Shields, Nancy E. Where Credit is Due: A Guide to Proper Citing of Sources, Print and Nonprint (Metuchen, New Jersey: Scarecrow Press, 1985), p. 252.

Special thanks to:
- Sheri DeRosa, Program Assistant, WHOI Sea Grant
- Judith Fenwick,Research Associate, WHOI
- Elaine Mokrzycki, Librarian, Falmouth High School
- Cathy Norton, Director, Marine Biological Laboratory/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Library
- Ted Rowan, Science Teacher, Falmouth High School
- Nancy Twichell, Science Department Head, Falmouth Academy

星期四, 五月 17, 2007

Google 的特殊功能

1 、查询电话号码
Google 的搜索栏中最新加入了电话号码和美国街区地址的查询信息。
2 、查找 PDF 文件
现在 GOOGLE 的搜索结果中包括了 PDF 文件。尽管 PDF 文件不如 HTML 文件那么多,但他们经常具备一些其他文件不具备的高质量信息
为了显示一个搜索结果是 PDF 文件而不是网页, PDF 文件的标题开头显示蓝色文本。
这就是让你知道 ACRTOBAT READER 程序会启动来阅读文件
使用 PDF 文件时,相关的网页快照会由“ TEXT VERSION ”代替,它是 PDF 文档的复制文件,该文件除去了所有格式化命令。
如果你在没有 PDF 链接的情况下想看一系列搜索结果,只要在搜索栏中打上 -inurl:pdf 加上你的搜索条件。
3 、股票报价
用 Google 查找股票和共有基金信息,只要输入一个或多个 NYSE , NASDAQ , AMEX 或
如果 Google 识别出你查询的是股票或者共有基金,它回复的链接会直接连到高质量的金融信息提供者提供的股票和共有基金信息。
在你搜索结果的开头显示的是你查询的股市行情自动收录器的代码。如果你要查找一家公司的名字(比如, INTEL ),请查看“股票报价”在 Google 搜索结果的金融栏里会有那个公司的主页的链接(比如, www.INTEL.COM )。
Google 是以质量为基础来选择和决定金融信息提供者的,包括的因素有下载速度,用户界面及其功能。
4 、找找谁和你链接
有些单词如果带有冒号就会有特殊的意思。比如 link :操作员。查询 link:siteURL ,就会显示所有指向那个 URL 的网页。举例来说,链接 www.Google.com 会向你显示所有指向 GOOGLE 主页的网页。但这种方法不能与关键字查询联合使用。
5 、查找站点
单词 site 后面如果接上冒号就能够将你的搜索限定到某个网站。具体做法是:在 c 搜索栏中使用 site:sampledomain.com 这个语法结构。比如,在斯坦福找申请信息,输入:
admission site:www.stanford.edu
6 、查找字典释意
7 、用 GOOLGE 查找地图
想用 Google 查找街区地图,在 Google 搜索栏中输入美国街区地址,包括邮递区号或城市 / 州(比如 165 大学大街 PALO ALTO CA )。通常情况下,街区地址和城市的名字就足够了。
当 Google 识别你的要求是查找地图,它会反馈给你有高质量地图提供者提供的链接,使你直接找到相关地图。我们是以质量为基础选择这些地图提供者。值得注意的是 Google 和使用的地图信息提供者没有任何关联。

星期二, 五月 15, 2007


在ubuntu下基本上只要apt-get 就可以了,但是有时候要尝鲜就得去另外下了,这时就要了解一些linux下安软件的知识了,所以在网上找了这篇文章

  先来看看Linux软件扩展名。软件后缀为.rpm最初是Red Hat Linux提供的一种包封装格式,现在许多Linux发行版本都使用;后缀为.deb是Debain Linux提供的一种包封装格式;后缀为.tar.gz、tar.Z、tar.bz2或.tgz是使用Unix系统打包工具tar打包的;后缀为.bin 的一般是一些商业软件。通过扩展名可以了解软件格式,进而了解软件安装。



  RPM全称是Red Hat Package Manager(Red Hat包管理器)。RPM本质上就是一个包,包含可以立即在特定机器体系结构上安装和运行的Linux软件。

  大多数Linux RPM软件包的命名有一定的规律,它遵循名称-版本-修正版-类型-MYsoftware-1.2 -1.i386.rpm 。

  # rpm -ivh MYsoftware-1.2 -1.i386.rpm


  -i 安装软件。
  -t 测试安装,不是真的安装。
  -p 显示安装进度。
  -f 忽略任何错误。
  -U 升级安装。
  -v 检测套件是否正确安装。


  # rpm -e 软件名

  #rpm -e software


  ## rpm -e xsnow
  error: removing these packages would break dependencies:
  /usr/X11R6/bin/xsnow is needed by x-amusements-1.0-1


  ## rpm -ivh --force xsnow-1.41-1.i386.rpm


  rpm --rebuild Filename.src.rpm

  rpm -ivh /usr/src/regflag/RPMS/i386/Filename.rpm


  deb是Debian Linux提供的一个包管理器,它与RPM十分类似。但由于RPM出现得早,并且应用广泛,所以在各种版本的Linux中都常见到,而Debian的包管 理器dpkg只出现在Debina Linux中。它的优点是不用被严格的依赖性检查所困扰,缺点是只在Debian Linux发行版中才能见到这个包管理工具。

  1. 安装
  # dpkg -i MYsoftware-1.2.-1.deb

  2. 卸载
  # dpkg -e MYsoftware


  和RPM安装方式相比,使用源代码进行软件安装会复杂一些,但是用源代码安装软件是Linux下进行软件安装的重要手段,也是运行Linux 的最主要的优势之一。使用源代码安装软件,能按照用户的需要选择定制的安装方式进行安装,而不是仅仅依靠那些在安装包中的预配置的参数选择安装。另外,仍 然有一些软件程序只能从源代码处进行安装。

  现在有很多地方都提供源代码包,到底在什么地方获得取决于软件的特殊需要。对于那些使用比较普遍的软件,如Sendmail,可以从商业网站 处下载源代码软件包(如http://www.sendmail.org )。一般的软件包,可从开发者的Web站点下载。下面介绍一下安装步骤:

压缩包的类型 命令
.gz gunzip
.Z uncompress
.zip unzip
.bz2 bunzip2


  成功解压缩源代码文件后,进入解包的目录。在安装前阅读Readme文件和Install文件。尽管许多源代码文件包都使用基本相同的命令, 但是有时在阅读这些文件时能发现一些重要的区别。例如,有些软件包含一个可以安装的安装脚本程序(.sh)。在安装前阅读这些说明文件,有助于安装成功和 节约时间。



  gunzip soft1.tar.gz
  cd soft1
  #. /configure #配置#
  make #调用make#
  make install #安装源代码#

  #make clean

  #make uninstall

  有些软件包的源代码编译安装后可以用make uninstall命令卸载。如果不提供此功能,则软件的卸载必须手动删除。由于软件可能将文件分散地安装在系统的多个目录中,往往很难把它删除干净,应该在编译前进行配置。


  扩展名为.bin文件是二进制的,它也是源程序经编译后得到的机器语言。有一些软件可以发布为以.bin为后缀的安装包,例如,流媒体播放器 RealONE。如果安装过RealONE的Windows版的话,那么安装RealONE for Linux版本(文件名:r1p1_linux22_libc6_i386_a1.bin)就非常简单了:
  #chmod +x r1p1_linux22_libc6_i386_a1.bin
  ./ r1p1_linux22_libc6_i386_a1.bin


  .bin文件的卸载,以RealONE for Linux为例,如果采用普通安装方式的话,在用户主目录下会有Real和Realplayer9两个文件夹,把它们删除即可。


  Linux也有一些绿色软件,不过不是很多。Linux系统提供一种机制:自动响应软件运行进程的要求,为它设定好可以马上运行的环境。这种 机制可以是一种接口,或者是中间件。程序员编写的程序可以直接拷贝分发,不用安装,只要点击程序的图标,访问操作系统提供的接口,设定好就可以工作。若要 删除软件,直接删除就可以,不用链接文件。这是最简单的软件安装、卸载方式。


补充一个apt-get 的使用方法连接


作为一个新手,面对这个Ubuntu时,都会有一个无从下手的感觉,虽然论坛上有不少教程,可总觉得不太适合,有时又觉得很零散。我也有个这样的经历。也 因此,我把我使用Ubuntu的经历写下来,希望能给一想些人一点帮助。当然,现在我也还是一个菜鸟,只是已可以比较熟练地使用Ubuntu罢了。




6、安装常用 的软件
RAR 压缩/解压缩程序、词霸星际译王、多媒体编码器、totem、mplayer、Realplayer、Beep Media Player、Audacious

QQ客户端、Gaim 、Tom Skype、多线程下载软件MultiGet和Downloader for X 、电骡amule 、bt客户端Azureus 、FTP客户端fFTP 、雷鸟thunderbird、拨号和宽带ADSL/PPPoE程序、浏览器(opera 、galeon、epiphany)和浏览器的Flash支持

防火墙Firestarter 、杀毒软件avast

Compiled HTML Help (CHM) 查看器xCHM 、BUM、PDF Reader、阅读超星pdg文件的软件boox viewer





Ubuntu Server Edition︰其于Ubuntu 5.10版(Breezy Badger)起与桌面版同步发行。其提供了服务器的应用程序,如一个电邮服务器、一个LAMP网页服务器平台、DNS设定工具、档案服务器与数据库管理。

Ubuntu Lite︰为旧电脑而设的版本。
zUbuntu:为IBM zSeries 主机移植的版本。
Ebuntu︰建基于Enlightenment 0.17桌面环境并附有视窗管理员的Ubuntu修改版。
Fluxbuntu︰建基于 Fluxbox桌面环境的修改版。
Gnoppix : 这是基于Ubuntu Live CD而研制的以GNOME为缺省桌面环境的Live CD。
Dubuntu :这是中国大陆Ubuntu爱好者改进Ubuntu的版本,更好的支持中文,并且添加了更多软件的Live CD。

2)Ubuntu每个衍生发行版还有相应的版本号,它发行版本号是来自于它发行的日期。因为Ubuntu是定期并有计划的不断发布的;每六个月就会有一个 新版本。您可以使用当前稳定版本或开发版本,每个版本都将得到至少 18 个月的安全和其它升级支持支持。目前主要有5.10、6.06LTS、6.10、7.04版。前三个是稳定版本,7.04目前还是开发版,稳定版将在 2007.4.19.发行,值得大家期待。而这其中的6.06 LTS有点特别,它已是个准企业级版本,其桌面版本会提供3年支持,而服务器版本则将提供长达5年的支持。

3)了解了这些后,选择版本时还得选支持你爱机[PC(Intel x86)、64-bit PC(AMD 64)和PowerPC(苹果 iBook 和 Powerbook,G4 和 G5]架构的,而我们大多数人的都是PC(Intel x86)或64-bit PC(AMD 64)。





user: ubuntu
passwd: ubuntuftp
也可以使用bt下载, http://bt.ubuntu.org.cn



4)长期提供从硬盘启动Desktop CD的引导文件


6.06的更新源的具体步骤在 :



sudo apt-get install language-support-zh

当然,你也可以安装“安装最新的文泉驿字体” 和“JAVA环境”等,强烈建议新手们根据各自的版本看看“快速设置指南”。

6、安装常用 的软件

1)安装RAR 压缩/解压缩程序
sudo apt-get install rar unrar
sudo ln -fs /usr/bin/rar /usr/bin/unrar

sudo apt-get install stardict stardict-common
sudo apt-get install stardict-cdict-gb stardict-cedict-gb stardict-hanzim stardict-langdao-ce-gb stardict-langdao-ec-gb stardict-oxford-gb stardict-xdict-ce-gb stardict-xdict-ec-gb



sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-pitfdll gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse

sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs totem-xine ffmpeg lame faad sox mjpegtools libxine-main1


sudo apt-get install mplayer

sudo apt-get install realplayer

sudo gedit /usr/bin/realplay
在第二行也就是“#!/bin/sh”的下一行加入 CODE代码:


(4)时下最流行的是MP3,我们当然少不了,播放MP3我们可以 用

A、Beep Media Player
sudo apt-get install beep-media-player

这个Beep Media Player会出现歌名乱码现象,可在“Beep Media Player”上面“右键→首选项→插件→MPEG音频插件”的下面的“首选项→标题”中,选上“禁用ID3v2标签”和“将非UTF-8 ID3标签转换成UTF-8”,并把ID3编码设为“GBK”就行了。

还有就是混音问题:在“首选项-插件-输出”中,默认是“OSS输出插件”。用它当你想同时使用多个声音时,常收到“音频占用”的提示,最好改为 “eSound输出插件"。当然,里面还有一个“ALSA0.9.7”,有人说也可用它,可我用时,Beep Media Player的播放会突然停止,无声音。

sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

deb http://static.audacious-media-player.org/ubuntu dapper main
deb-src http://static.audacious-media-player.org/ubuntu dapper main

deb http://static.audacious-media-player.org/ubuntu edgy main
deb-src http://static.audacious-media-player.org/ubuntu edgy main

sudo apt-get install audacious





wget -c http://lumaqq.linuxsir.org/download/2005/lumaqq_2005-linux_gtk2_x86_with_jre.tar.gz
(2)解压到 /usr/share/
sudo tar zxvf lumaqq_2005-linux_gtk2_x86_with_jre.tar.gz -C /usr/share/
wget -c http://download.ubuntu.org.cn/software/lumaqq_2005_patch_2006.
sudo unzip -o lumaqq_2005_patch_2006. -d /usr/share/LumaQQ/lib
sudo chown -R root:root /usr/share/LumaQQ/
sudo chmod -R 777 /usr/share/LumaQQ/
(7) 更新配置文件:
sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/LumaQQ.desktop


[Desktop Entry]
Comment=QQ Client



sudo apt-get install gaim
这时安装的是2.0,里面支持支持国际上常用的ICQ、MSN Messenger、雅虎通、IRC、AIM、Jabber、Napster、Zephyr、Gadu-Gadu、Google Talk等,并且已内置了QQ的插件,直接可以用它上QQ了。

(3)Tom Skype

sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

## Repository for Skype
deb http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install skype

(1)Downloader for X
sudo apt-get install d4x

sudo apt-get install amule

sudo apt-get install sun-j2re1.5
java -version
sudo apt-get install azureus

sudo apt-get install gftp

系统里已安装了Evolution Mail,你也可以安装功能更强大的雷鸟thunderbird。
sudo apt-get install thunderbird

sudo apt-get install gnome-ppp
安装前需要安装基本的编译工具 (build-essential),在命令行输入:
sudo apt-get install build-essential
wget -c http://frankandjacq.com/ubuntuguide/rp-pppoe-3.5.tar.gz
sudo tar zxvf rp-pppoe-3.5.tar.gz -C /opt/
sudo chown -R root:root /opt/rp-pppoe-3.5/
sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/RP-PPPoE.desktop


[Desktop Entry]
Exec=gksudo /opt/rp-pppoe-3.5/go-gui



sudo pppoeconf
sudo pon dsl-provider
sudo /etc/ppp/pppoe_on_boot
sudo poff
sudo plog



6.06自带的是1.5,你也可以安装2.0或者swiftfox(它是针对不同cpu进行的编译和优化,速度更快的FireFox 2.0的优化版本)。
安装FireFox 2.0

sudo apt-get install opera

sudo gedit /usr/bin/opera


sudo apt-get install galeon

(4)还可以用用 epiphany浏览器
sudo apt-get install epiphany


sudo apt-get install firestarter

wget -c http://files.avast.com/files/linux/avast4workstation_1.0.6-2_i386.deb
dpkg -i avast4workstation_1.0.6-2_i386.deb
sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/avast.desktop


[Desktop Entry]



1)安装Compiled HTML Help (CHM) 查看器xCHM
sudo apt-get install xchm

2) Boot-Up Manager (BUM),这是一个小工具,可以查看和取消一些系统服务

sudo apt-get install bum

3) PDF Reader (Adobe Acrobat Reader) 和 Plug-in for Mozilla Firefox

sudo apt-get install acroread mozilla-acroread acroread-plugins


sudo gedit /usr/bin/acroread


#!/bin/sh (-)

#!/bin/sh (-)


4)安装阅读超星pdg文件的软件boox viewer
阅读超星图书呢,需要借助于一个叫做BooX Viewer的小软件。

(1)下载linux版本的booxviewer. 网址:http://www.linuxfans.org/nuke/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=138982
  tar zxvf bxviewer.tar.gz  
(3)将其解压缩到一个目录,然后cd bxviewer进入目录,输入./installbxv即可。  


  vi .bash_profile 

gedit .bash_profile


  export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${installdir}

  export PATH=$PATH:${installdir}  

  其中${installdir}为你所下载的BooX Viewer软件解压后所在目录,即bxv和libborqt-6.9.0-qt2.3.so所在目录。 

若还不行,将libborqt-6.9.0-qt2.3.so拷贝到/usr/lib目录下sudo cp libborqt-6.9.0-qt2.3.so /usr/lib。进入bxviewer目录,输入./bxv




beryl,这是一个使你的平面桌面显示为3D桌面的软件,也就是现在微软最新的系统Vista大吹特吹的一个特征之一,在UBUNTU中同样可 以完成,我的显卡是可怜的FX5200同样流畅,只是安装了之后,使用资源会增大不少,因为有特殊效果的显示,可能会造成反应慢一些,有兴趣的不妨一试。



sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://www.albertomilone.com/drivers/dapper/latest/32bit binary/
deb http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org dapper main
deb http://download.tuxfamily.org/3v1deb dapper beryl-svn

$ wget http://albertomilone.com/drivers/tseliot.asc
$ sudo apt-key add tseliot.asc
wget http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org/root@lupine.me.uk.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -
wget http://download.tuxfamily.org/3v1deb/DD800CD9.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -

$ sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade


sudo aptitude install xserver-xgl beryl emerald-themes


sudo gedit /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom,在[servers] 后面加入:

name=Xgl server
command=/usr/bin/Xgl -fullscreen -ac -accel glx:pbuffer -accel xv:fbo


name=Xgl server
command=/usr/bin/Xgl -fullscreen -br -accel glx:pbuffer -accel xv:fbo

sudo gedit /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom,在[servers] 后面加入:

name=Xgl server
command=/usr/bin/Xgl -fullscreen -br -accel xv:pbuffer -accel glx:pbuffer -dpi 100 -nolisten tcp

打开菜单:系统 –> 首选项 –> 会话 –> 启动程序,加入”beryl-manager “

顺便说说“Beryl/AIGLX 3D桌面详细使用方法”,在这里有





sudo passwd root

sudo passwd -l root


4)自动登录GNOME (据说这样不安全)

这里可以为所有者、 群组和其它分别勾选读取、 写入、执行几种选项。

sudo chown 新所有者用户名 /文件或文件夹的位置


每次开机时,系统总是检测Windows(vfat)分区,要好一段时间,如果你不想让fsck在启动时检查Windows(vfat)分区(有 时这样的 检查会产生许多错误信息),可以编辑/etc/fstab文件将第6列的pass参数改成0,当然,这要在root用户下或获得root的权限才才能更 改,也可用这个命令:
sudo gedit /etc/fstab

在Ubuntu的桌面上,都有硬盘的各个 分区的图标,如had5、had6、had7等,它们虽然带来一定的方便,但这些都可以在右上角的“位置”菜单中找到,若要去掉的话:
把volumes visible后面的勾去掉就可了


(10) 改变GRUB 菜单引导的系统
sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst_backup
sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst

default 0
default X_sequence

注意:X_sequence的意思是你的操作系统条目的项数(从0开始计算,即第一项是“0”,第二项是“1”,“Other operating system"之类的也算。)






apt-get install ***(软件包名)




apt-get install alien


alien xxx.rpm(转换为deb包的rpm文件)




用 Thunderbird + WebMail 扩展接收 hotmail 邮件

简单说一下,这个通过 Thunderbird (简称TB)接收WEB邮件方法不仅仅能接收Hotmail邮件,包括Yahoo和mail.com以及AOL等WEB邮箱都可以的。这里仅仅是以 Hotmail 为例。查看具体的邮箱支持范围请点击这里

注:下文的主要参考 Mozilla的开发者社区 Mozdev 的相关页面。 英文好的兄弟可以直接 点击这里 去看英文原文。

首先到插件下载页面去下载 Thunderbird 的扩展,其中 WebMail 这个扩展是必须的。另外再根据您的邮箱种类下载相应扩展,比如我们要用的 Hotmail。点击这里进入插件下载页面

在下载的时候请使用 Firefox 浏览器的兄弟们用鼠标右键点击下载连接然后选另存,否则FF会傻傻的以为是自己的扩展。

然后打开TB,在菜单栏选 工具 —> 扩展 —> 安装。 找到你下载的扩展然后一一安装。重新启动TB后看看你的扩展列表:

查看 WebMail 这个扩展的首选项:

上图中可以看到POP和SMTP都启用了。这个插件的IMAP功能可以用但不是很完善,所以我没有开启这个服务。启用和关闭服务可以在上图中的“启用”标 签中调整。另外Linux用户可能需要改一下默认端口配置,因为好多Linux发行版默认把1024以下的端口都屏蔽了。如果在后面您发现收/发邮件的时 候都显示无法连接服务器,就在“端口”标签中把端口编号修改成1024以上:

然后在看看我们的 WebMail-Hotmail 这个扩展的首选项。如果您使用了 Windows Live Custom Domains 邮箱,那么请先在这里添加您的域,比如我使用的家园网邮箱: jaya.cn。


这个标签请在设置完邮件帐户以后再来更改。如果您有不止一个hotmail帐户,那么您可以针对每个帐户做出不同的设置。这里我用的是Hotmail网站(产品)。如果您的hotmail信箱还是传统的hotmail界面请选择 Hotmail网站(产品),如果您已经升级成了空间为2G的Windows Live Mail,那么请选择 Hotmail网站(BETA)

还有一个需要完善的功能是:无论您在 SMTP 标签内是否选中“在已发送消息中保存备份”,事实上当你通过SMTP发送邮件以后都会被存储在服务器上的"已发送的邮件"中。但是当从WEB上登录并你点 击这封邮件的时候服务器并不能识别这是已经发送的邮件。感觉上就像是直接进入草稿编写状态一样,而且邮件头会变成一堆代码。



* 你的POP和SMTP服务器都是 localhost
* 你的用户名是你的完整邮件地址,比如: zhangsan@hotmail.com 或者 admin@jaya.cn……
* SMTP需要设置验证
* 如果你修改了 WebMail 插件中的端口设置,别忘了在邮件帐户里面也要修改成一致的端口。


星期六, 五月 05, 2007


  http://www.redhat.com/docs/ redhat官方文档,redhat用户必看
  http://www.redhat.com/apps/support/errata/ redhat安全性警告、软件更新和增强,建议每周至少查阅一次


redhat linux下载地址

redhat 发行版全球官方镜像站
  http://freesoft.online.sh.cn 国内高速下载
  http://www.linux.cz/apt-rpm/ - Red Hat linux 7.x repositories (with all freshrpms included too!)
  http://apt-rpm.tuxfamily.org/ - Red Hat linux 6.2, 7.x and 8.0 repositories
  http://apt.nlc.no/apt/ - Red Hat linux 6.2, 7.x and Rawhide repositories
  http://ftp.uninett.no/pub/linux/apt/ - Red Hat linux 6.2, 7.x, 8.0 and Rawhide repositories
  http://redhat.usu.edu/ - Red Hat linux 7.2, 7.3 and 8.0 repositories
  ftp://mirror.pa.msu.edu/apt/ - Red Hat linux 7.2, 7.3 and 8.0 repositories
  http://apt-rpm.codefactory.se/ - Red Hat linux 7.2, 7.3 and 8.0 and gnomehide repositories
http://apt.42h.de/ - Red Hat Linux 7.2, 7.3 and 8.0 repositories
  http://apt.toggletext.com.au/ - A few Red Hat linux 7.2 custom packages
http://people.ecsc.co.uk/~matt/repository.html - Lots of custom Red Hat Linux 8.0 GNOME 2 and related packages
  http://ftp-stud.fht-esslingen.de/apt/ - Red Hat linux 7.x, 8.x and rawhide
  http://apt.unl.edu/ - Red Hat linux 7.3 and 8.0
  http://kde-redhat.sourceforge.net/ - KDE for Red Hat project

linux 常用软件搜索
  http://bingle.pku.edu.cn 北大天网ftp搜索,教育网和国内用户查找软件应首先访问,软件特别丰富
  http://www.linuxforum.net/ 有很多国外软件的官方镜像,应首先访问
  http://www.gnu.org GNU的大本营,gcc,bash之类的软件源码可以到这里得到 linux 文档和FAQs
  http://www.tldp.org 强烈推荐! The linux document project: linux HOWTO and guides
  http://www.linux.org.tw/CLDP/ 强烈推荐! TLDP中文版,繁体
  http://www.linuxgazette.com/ linux在线杂志
  http://linux.tcpip.com.cn/download/ linux中文版文档和软件下载
  http://cosoft.org.cn/html/documents/ 很多中文版手册
linux 桌面主站一览表
  GNOME: http://www.gnome.org
  KDE: http://www.kde.org
  XFce: http://www.xfce.org/
  Window Maker: http://www.windowmaker.org/
  BlackBox: http://sourceforge.net/projects/blackboxwm
  XPde: http://www.xpde.com
  ROX: http://sourceforge.net/projects/rox
  5dwm: http://5dwm.org/
  foXdesktop: http://sourceforge.net/projects/foxdesktop
  EDE: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ede
  UDE: http://sourceforge.net/projects/udeproject

  Mandrake linux http://www.mandrakelinux.com
  debian linux http://www.debian.org
  slackware linux http://www.slackware.com
  suse linux http://www.suse.com
  FreeBSD http://www.freebsd.org
  netbsd http://www.netbsd.org
  openbsd http://www.openbsd.org
  Solaris http://www.sun.com/solaris 硬件和安装专业站点
  linux Kernel内核: http://www.kernel.org
  USB安装问题: http://www.linux-usb.org
  笔记本计算机安装: http://www.linux-laptop.net
  打印机驱动 http://www.linuxprinting.org

1. WWW server:
  Apache http://www.apache.org Apache
  SSL模块Mod_ssl http://www.modssl.org
  aol server http://www.aolserver.com

2. Servlets/JSP引擎:
  Tomcat: http://jakarta.apache.org
  Resin: http://www.caucho.com
  开源应用服务器AS--Jboss: http://www.jboss.org

3. 服务器语言:
  PHP http://www.php.net
  Zend http://www.zend.com
  Java http://www.javasoft.com
  Python http://www.python.org
  Zope http://www.zope.org
  Perl http://www.perl.org
  Ruby http://www.ruby-lang.org/en

4. 数据库:
  MySQL http://www.mysql.com
  PostgreSQL http://www.postgresql.org
  Oracle http://www.oracle.com
  sap db http://www.sapdb.org
  PHPMyAdmin -- http://www.phpmyadmin.org
  PHPPgAdmin: http://sourceforge.net/projects/phppgadmin

5. FTP服务器
  wu-ftpd http://www.wu-ftpd.org
  Proftpd http://www.proftpd.org
  Pure-ftpd http://www.pureftpd.org
  ncftpd http://www.ncftpd.com
  vsftpd http://vsftpd.beasts.org

6. SMTP服务器
  Sendmail http://www.sendmail.org
  qmail http://www.qmail.org
  Postfix http://www.postfix.org
  Exim http://www.exim.org
  POP3--qpopper http://www.qpopper.org

7. IMAP服务器
  Cyrus-IMAPD http://asg.web.cmu.edu/cyrus/imapd
  UW IMAP http://www.washington.edu/imap
  courierimap http://www.inter7.com/courierimap

8. 基本安全工具
  firewall Iptables: http://www.iptables.org
  shorewall: http://www.shorewall.net
  inetd Xinetd: http://www.xinetd.org
  Openssl: http://www.openssl.org
  OpenSSH: http://www.openssh.org
  nmap: http://http://www.insecure.org/nmap
  Tripwire: http://www.tripwire.org
  snort: http://www.snort.org
  nessus: http://www.nessus.org
  GnuPG: http://www.gnupg.org
  chkrootkit: http://www.chkrootkit.org
  安全顾问: http://www.cert.org

9. 其它服务器软件
  CVS--CVS http://www.cvshome.org
  DNS域名解析BIND http://www.isc.org/products/BIND/
  DHCP--DHCP http://www.isc.org/products/DHCP/
  INN新闻组INN: http://www.isc.org/products/INN/
  Proxy代理缓存: Squid http://www.squid-cache.org
  Samba Server: http://www.samba.org
  Print CUPS: http://www.cups.org
  LDAP OpenLDAP: http://www.openldap.org
  流量分析 MRTG http://www.mrtg.org
  日志分析 webalizer http://www.mrunix.net/webalizer/
  Ipsec/VPN http://www.freeswan.org
  路由 Zebra http://www.zebra.org
  集群 LVS http://www.linuxvirtualserver.org
  MPICH http://www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/mpi/mpich/
  Rsync: http://rsync.samba.org
  linuxconf: http://www.solucorp.qc.ca/linuxconf/
  Webmin: http://www.webmin.com