星期一, 十二月 29, 2008

The aphorisms on the wall of the study room of the library in Harvard University

The aphorisms on the wall of the study room of the library in Harvard University


1. This moment will nap, you will have a dream; But this moment study, you will interpret a dream.


2. I leave uncultivated today, was precisely yesterday perishes tomorrow which person of the body implored.


3. Thought is already is late, exactly is the earliest time.


4. Not matter of the today will drag tomorrow.


5. Time the study pain is temporary, has not learned the pain is life-long.


6. Studies this matter, lacks the time, but is lacks diligently.


7. Perhaps happiness does not arrange the position, but succeeds must arrange the position.


8. The study certainly is not the life complete. But, since continually life part of - studies also is unable to conquer, what but also can make?


9. Please enjoy the pain which is unable to avoid.


10. Only has compared to the others early, diligently diligently, can feel the successful taste.


11. Nobody can casually succeed, it comes from the thorough self-control and the will.


12. The time is passing.


13. Now drips the saliva, will become tomorrow the tear.


14. The dog equally study, the gentleman equally plays.


15. Today does not walk, will have to run tomorrow.


16. The investment future person will be, will be loyal to the reality person.


17. The education level represents the income.


18. One day, has not been able again to come.


19. Even if the present, the match does not stop changes the page.


20. Has not been difficult, then does not have attains.


星期三, 十二月 24, 2008












星期二, 十二月 16, 2008




今年是中国立宪百年,《世界人权宣言》公布60周年,“民主墙”诞生30周年,中国政府签署《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》10周年。在经历了长期的人权灾难和艰难曲折的抗争历程之后,觉醒的中国公民日渐清楚地认识到,自由、平等、人权是人类共同的普世价值;民主、共和、宪政是现代政治的基本制度架构。抽离了这些普世价值和基本政制架构的“现代化”,是剥夺人的权利、腐蚀人性、摧毁人的尊严的灾难过程。21世纪的中国将走向何方,是继续这种威权统治下的“ 现代化”,还是认同普世价值、融入主流文明、建立民主政体?这是一个不容回避的抉择。





  • 自由:自由是普世价值的核心之所在。言论、出版、信仰、集会、结社、迁徙、罢工和游行示威等权利都是自由的具体体现。自由不昌,则无现代文明可言。
  • 人权:人权不是国家的赐予,而是每个人与生俱来就享有的权利。保障人权,既是政府的首要目标和公共权力合法性的基础,也是“以人为本”的内在要求。中国的历次政治灾难都与执政当局对人权的无视密切相关。人是国家的主体,国家服务于人民,政府为人民而存在。
  • 平等:每一个个体的人,不论社会地位、职业、性别、经济状况、种族、肤色、宗教或政治信仰,其人格、尊严、自由都是平等的。必须落实法律面前人人平等的原则,落实公民的社会、经济、文化、政治权利平等的原则。
  • 共和:共和就是“大家共治,和平共生”,就是分权制衡与利益平衡,就是多种利益成分、不同社会集团、多元文化与信仰追求的群体,在平等参与、公平竞争、共同议政的基础上,以和平的方式处理公共事务。
  • 民主:最基本的涵义是主权在民和民选政府。民主具有如下基本特点:
  • 宪政:宪政是通过法律规定和法治来保障宪法确定的公民基本自由和权利的原则,限制并划定政府权力和行为的边界,并提供相应的制度设施。




  1. 修改宪法:根据前述价值理念修改宪法,删除现行宪法中不符合主权在民原则的条文,使宪法真正成为人权的保证书和公共权力的许可状,成为任何个人、团体和党派不得违反的可以实施的最高法律,为中国民主化奠定法权基础。
  2. 分权制衡:构建分权制衡的现代政府,保证立法、司法、行政三权分立。确立法定行政和责任政府的原则,防止行政权力过分扩张;政府应对纳税人负责;在中央和地方之间建立分权与制衡制度,中央权力须由宪法明确界定授权,地方实行充分自治。
  3. 立法民主:各级立法机构由直选产生,立法秉持公平正义原则,实行立法民主。
  4. 司法独立:司法应超越党派、不受任何干预,实行司法独立,保障司法公正;设立宪法法院,建立违宪审查制度,维护宪法权威。尽早撤销严重危害国家法治的各级党的政法委员会,避免公器私用。
  5. 公器公用:实现军队国家化,军人应效忠于宪法,效忠于国家,政党组织应从军队中退出,提高军队职业化水平。包括警察在内的所有公务员应保持政治中立。消除公务员录用的党派歧视,应不分党派平等录用。
  6. 人权保障:切实保障人权,维护人的尊严。设立对最高民意机关负责的人权委员会,防止政府滥用公权侵犯人权,尤其要保障公民的人身自由,任何人不受非法逮捕、拘禁、传讯、审问、处罚,废除劳动教养制度。
  7. 公职选举:全面推行民主选举制度,落实一人一票的平等选举权。各级行政首长的直接选举应制度化地逐步推行。定期自由竞争选举和公民参选法定公共职务是不可剥夺的基本人权。
  8. 城乡平等:废除现行的城乡二元户籍制度,落实公民一律平等的宪法权利,保障公民的自由迁徙权。
  9. 结社自由:保障公民的结社自由权,将现行的社团登记审批制改为备案制。开放党禁,以宪法和法律规范政党行为,取消一党垄断执政特权,确立政党活动自由和公平竞争的原则,实现政党政治正常化和法制化。
  10. 集会自由:和平集会、游行、示威和表达自由,是宪法规定的公民基本自由,不应受到执政党和政府的非法干预与违宪限制。
  11. 言论自由:落实言论自由、出版自由和学术自由,保障公民的知情权和监督权。制订《新闻法》和《出版法》,开放报禁,废除现行《刑法》中的“煽动颠覆国家政权罪”条款,杜绝以言治罪。
  12. 宗教自由:保障宗教自由与信仰自由,实行政教分离,宗教信仰活动不受政府干预。审查并撤销限制或剥夺公民宗教自由的行政法规、行政规章和地方性法规;禁止以行政立法管理宗教活动。废除宗教团体(包括宗教活动场所)必经登记始获合法地位的事先许可制度,代之以无须任何审查的备案制。
  13. 公民教育:取消服务于一党统治、带有浓厚意识形态色彩的政治教育与政治考试,推广以普世价值和公民权利为本的公民教育,确立公民意识,倡导服务社会的公民美德。
  14. 财产保护:确立和保护私有财产权利,实行自由、开放的市场经济制度,保障创业自由,消除行政垄断;设立对最高民意机关负责的国有资产管理委员会,合法有序地展开产权改革,明晰产权归属和责任者;开展新土地运动,推进土地私有化,切实保障公民尤其是农民的土地所有权。
  15. 财税改革:确立民主财政和保障纳税人的权利。建立权责明确的公共财政制度构架和运行机制,建立各级政府合理有效的财政分权体系;对赋税制度进行重大改革,以降低税率、简化税制、公平税负。非经社会公共选择过程,民意机关决议,行政部门不得随意加税、开征新税。通过产权改革,引进多元市场主体和竞争机制,降低金融准入门槛,为发展民间金融创造条件,使金融体系充分发挥活力。
  16. 社会保障:建立覆盖全体国民的社会保障体制,使国民在教育、医疗、养老和就业等方面得到最基本的保障。
  17. 环境保护:保护生态环境,提倡可持续发展,为子孙后代和全人类负责;明确落实国家和各级官员必须为此承担的相应责任;发挥民间组织在环境保护中的参与和监督作用。
  18. 联邦共和:以平等、公正的态度参与维持地区和平与发展,塑造一个负责任的大国形象。维护香港、澳门的自由制度。在自由民主的前提下,通过平等谈判与合作互动的方式寻求海峡两岸和解方案。以大智慧探索各民族共同繁荣的可能途径和制度设计,在民主宪政的架构下建立中华联邦共和国。
  19. 转型正义:为历次政治运动中遭受政治迫害的人士及其家属,恢复名誉,给予国家赔偿;释放所有政治犯和良心犯,释放所有因信仰而获罪的人员;成立真相调查委员会,查清历史事件的真相,厘清责任,伸张正义;在此基础上寻求社会和解。








星期三, 十二月 10, 2008

OPNET Frequently Asked Questions

OPNET Frequently Asked Questions

Note: The problem with missing/deleted files has been resolved. Remember that when you modify built-in models, you must save them with a new filename.

  • 0.0 Where do I begin?
  • 1.0 How do I set-up OPNET?
    • 1.1 Log into a graduate workstation.

    • 1.2 Parameter set-up for initial use.

    • 1.3 Starting OPNET.

  • 2.0 What is our MIL 3 Group ID?
  • 3.0 What is the MIL 3 MUC?
    • 3.1 Product Logged Problem Reports

    • 3.2 Mailing lists (Moderated by Mil3)

    • 3.3 Accessing the MUC

  • 4.0 Where can I find models developed by customers?
    • 4.1 Local subdir

    • 4.2 FTP site

  • 5.0 Is there a listing of the OPNET functions/procedures?
  • 6.0 In the online documentation, how do I know what's hyper-text (i.e. clickable) and what's not?
  • 7.0 Is the online index "searchable?"
  • 8.0 What is EMA code?
  • 9.0 Are there different simulation modes available?
  • 10.0 So, what does the "rehash" button rehash?
  • 11.0 Where is the trouble shooting chapter and what problems does it address?
  • 12.0 Can I use a shell scrīpt to run a simulation?
  • 13.0 What are the OPNET programs and scrīpts and where are they documented?
  • 14.0 I am ready to begin designing at the process model level, where should I start?
  • 15.0 How do I trouble-shoot process model compile-time errors and simulation run-time errors?
  • 16.0 What's the difference between State Variables and Temporary Variables?

Follow these steps to reconfigure your account to use the latest release of OPNET.

  1. Edit your .cshrc file. Replace every occurrence of "3.0.A_DL5" with "3.0.B_DL0".
  2. type source .cshrc
  3. Make a copy of your env_db3.0 file, located in your local op_admin sub-directory. The new filename should include the release info, for example env_db3.0.A_DL5.
  4. Run op_newuser again. (Follow the instructions just as before in the "How do I set-up OPNET?" section.)
  5. "Recompile all user-developed or modified process models, transceiver pipeline stages, and external C files."
  6. Read through the new "Where do I begin?" section.

0.0 Where do I begin?
Begin Here! This is not necessarily a quick-reference because there are no shortcuts to learning to use OPNET:-( This is, however, an attempt to provide a methodological approach to learning to use the tool.

  • Follow the set-up steps in the "How do I set-up OPNET?" section.
  • Read the Preference and Introduction to the Tutorial Manual.
  • Read the outside, back cover of the one of the manuals to see what is contained in each of the manuals.
  • Quickly read through this FAQ at a high-level. (You will notice that this FAQ is just an unordered compilation of some of the questions and answers that I have encountered.)
  • If you will use built-in models, minimally you should do the M/M/1 Queue and Packet Switch Chapters of the Tutorial Manual. If the behavīor that you are planning to simulate is not built-in, you should also do the Basic Process Model Chapter. Ideally, you should do the tutorials in order, up to and including the CSMA/CD Chapter. If you are researching wireless communications, you should do the Mobile Radio Chapter too.
  • Read through this FAQ again, this time, paying a little closer attention to details.
  • Begin your modelling journey...

Brief hints for all users:

  • Use all capital letters in the filenames when you save models. It makes the models easier to distinguish between your models and the built in models.
  • Technical Support is usually responsive. When you email them (at opnet@mil3.com), you should include our Group ID, which is: 9720. Click on the "About OPNET" icon, which is located in the lower right corner of the OPNET window (M3UI), to learn about the type of support they provide.
  • The index (Volume 12) for the documentation is very thorough. Use it.

Brief hints for ATM users:

  • ATM models are described in the ATM Chapter of the Models/Protocols Manual.
  • There two ATM network models built-in: a client-server network and an enterprise network. You can also build your own networks.

1.0 How do I set-up OPNET?

1.1 Log into a graduate workstation.

1.2 Parameter set-up for initial use.

1.2.1 For Suns
- Enter the following or add to your .cshrc file:
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/openwin/lib:/usr3/local/lib:/usr/lib
set path=($path /usr21/opnet/3.0.B_DL0/sys/sun_sparc_solaris/bin)
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/usr21/opnet/3.0.B_DL0/sys/sun_sparc_solaris/lib
You might need to add the following line to your .cshrc if you get a "LD_LIBRARY_PATH undefined" error.
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/openwin/lib:/usr3/local/lib:/usr/lib
- Enter op_newuser and answer the questions as indicated below.
-- MIL3 dir > /usr21/opnet
-- Include all models > y
-- Default OPNET product for this user account > 2
[for OPNET Modeler/Radio]
-- font configuration > 1
-- display name > [simply hit enter here]
- Add the following line to your env_db3.0 file contained in your <$HOME>/op_admin/ directory.
arch_suffix: TRUE
(Note: This attribute setting forces all Sun Solaris architecture-specific files to embed "*.s1.*" in the generated file's name. Also, this setting forces all HP-UX architecture-specific files to embed "*.h0.*" in the generated file's name.)
- If your are not already logged into "ash", then telnet to it now. This is the only Sun workstation that you will be able to use.
- Finally, you should go to the systems administrator to get write permission to the OPNET models sub-directory. Also, request to be added to the OPNET group.

1.2.2 For HPs
- Enter the following or add to your .cshrc file:
set path=($path /usr21/opnet/3.0.B_DL0/sys/hp_pa_hpux/bin)
setenv SHLIB_PATH ${SHLIB_PATH}:/usr21/opnet/3.0.B_DL0/sys/hp_pa_hpux/lib:/usr/local/X11R5/lib
You might need to add the following line to your .cshrc if you get a "SHLIB_PATH undefined" error.
setenv SHLIB_PATH /usr/local/X11R5/lib
- Enter op_newuser and answer the questions as indicated below.
-- MIL3 dir > /usr21/opnet
-- Include all models > y
-- Default OPNET product for this user account > 2
[for OPNET Modeler/Radio]
-- font configuration > 3
[for HP 9000/7xx Display, HP VUE Environment]
-- display name > [simply hit enter here]
- If you want to use HPs only, then skip down to 1.3, otherwise continue to the next line.
- If you want the flexibility to use either the HP or Sun architecture, then you must add the following line to your env_db3.0 file. You will need to run op_newuser only once.
arch_suffix: TRUE
- This added flexibility also restricts you to using either "ash" or "sheep."
- Finally, you should go to the systems administrators to get write permission to the OPNET models sub-directory. Also, request to be added to the OPNET group.

1.3 Invoking OPNET.
- Invoke OPNET's graphical interface by typing opnet at the command line UNIX prompt.
- For information about the non-graphical command line oriented method, see the External Interfaces Manual.
- By the way, you don't have to be logged into "ash" or "sheep" at the console in order to run OPNET. You can run OPNET remotely by typing the following. (The statements below assume you are connecting to ash instead of sheep.)
xhost +
telnet ash
Finally, you should set your environment display variable by typing:
setenv DISPLAY local_machine:0.0
where local_machine is the name of the machine in front of which you sit.

2.0 What is our MIL 3 Group ID?
Our MIL 3 Group ID is 9720. It should be included in correspondence to technical support.

3.0 What is the MIL 3 MUC?
MIL 3 has a Maintained User Community (MUC) on the WWW for OPNET. The MUC contains 3.1 problem logs and 3.2 instructions on how to subscribe to various mailing lists moderated by MIL 3. Instructions for accessing the MUC are given in 3.3 below.

3.1 Product Logged Problem Reports
Product Logged Problem entries are used to track the investigation and resolution of reports of problems or bugs with released OPNET software.

3.2 Mailing lists (Moderated by Mil3)
JOB-LINK (Resumes of persons with OPNET experience)
MIL3-ANNOUNCE_ADS (MIL 3 news/announcements)
OPNET-FEEDBACK (OPNET product feedback - sugs/comments)
OPNET-MDL-802.14 (OPNET Model forum - 802.14 Cable)
OPNET-MDL-BR_RTE (OPNET Model forum - Bridge/Routers)
OPNET-MDL-MAC (OPNET Model forum - MAC protocols)
OPNET-MDL-MISC (OPNET Model forum - other models)
OPNET-MDL-RADIO (OPNET Model forum - Radio)
OPNET-PLP-STANDARD (OPNET Product Logged Problems - standard)
OPNET-PLP-URGENT (OPNET Product Logged Problems - urgent)
OPUSER-ANNOUNCE_ADS (OPNET User Announcements and ads)
Subscrīption is via forms on the website or listproc commands sent by email. There are also list archives that appear to be searchable. Mil3 strongly suggests that OPNET users subscribe, at least, to the following lists:
MIL3-ANNOUNCE_ADS: MIL 3 news and announcements
OPNET-PLP-URGENT: Notification of urgent Product Logged Problems

3.3 Accessing the MUC
To access the MUC, you must be a Va Tech student.
Contact Dr. Nathaniel Davis IV at:
ndavis@vt.edu for instructions.

4.0 Where can I find models developed by customers?

4.1 Local subdirectory
change directory to the contrib subdirectory by executing the following command.
cd /usr21/opnet/3.0.B_DL0/models/contrib

4.2 FTP site -- go here to find models that might have been added since the current OPNET release.
To access the FTP site, you must be a Va Tech student.
Contact Dr. Nathaniel Davis IV at:
ndavis@vt.edu for instructions.

For an overview, read the file: CONTRIB_MODEL_SUMMARIES

5.0 Is there a listing of the OPNET functions/procedures?
Yes, descrīptions are in the two-part Simulation Kernel Manual.

6.0 In the online documentation, how do I know what's hyper-text (i.e. clickable) and what's not?
You must explore and discover! (As one moves the cursor over hyper-text, it does NOT change from a pointer to a hand, as one would expect.)

7.0 Is the online index "searchable?"
The documentation does not have search capability built in. An alternative (but less effective) approach is to use the "find" feature built into the viewer.

8.0 What is EMA code?

[Quoted from the Tool Operations Manual.]
"Source code that represents the model currently present in the active tool. Ema code is in text format, allowing you to edit it with an ordinary text editor. For more info about Ema, see the External Model Access chapter of the OPNET External Interfaces Manual. CAUTION: Ema source code files for all models have the same suffix, ".em.c", regardless of model type. Be sure that the Ema file you create will not overwrite a previously-created file you want to keep."

[Quoted from the External Interfaces Manual, chapter Ema.] "External model access is an OPNET term that is defined as follows: The technique of accessing a model external to the opnet program (i.e., without using the services provided by the opnet graphical editors). In this context, the definition of accessing a model includes creating it, modifying it, and extracting data from it. [Ema] is supported via a library of C-callable functions, which serves as a programmatic specification and query language. This library is nammed the [Ema] package, and it can viewed as an Application Program Interface (API) for [manipulating] OPNET model files."

9.0 Are there different simulation modes available?
Yes. Either 2 or 3, depending upon how you look at it. [Will elaborate on later...]

10.0 So, what does the "rehash" button rehash?
The rehash button alphabetically sorts the model list. The model type depends on

11.0 Where is the trouble shooting chapter and what problems does it address?
Yes. It is last chapter in the Tutorial Manual (Vol.1). It addresses the following problems.
Compiling a Process Model
- Process Editor can't compile a model.
Checking Link Consistency
- Red "X" marks denote link inconsistencies.
Executing a Simulation
- op_runsum cannot construct the simulation repository.
- An executing simulation eventually freezes, displaying a fixed message in the Simulation Tool Message Display, and it makes no further progress.
- The simulation stops unexpectedly and prints one of the following error messages:
program abort -- bus error
program abort -- floating point exception
program abort -- segmentation violation
- When running a simulation model, the simulation halts and the following error message is issued: "Program Abort: no true transitions from state "
- When running a simulation model, the simulation halts and the following error message is issued: "Program Abort: multiple true transitions from state "
Specific Tool Operations
- Subnets, nodes, or modules within the Probe Editor do not appear in the attribute menu of the probe being edited when they are clicked on. - The selection of the destination module of a packet stream within the Node Editor fails and prints the error "Invalid Intermediate point. Path definition cancelled." - Activating action buttons fails and generates the error "point not in workspace."
- Writing a model file fails and prints the error "Unable to write model because it was opend read-only. Try a different name."
- During interactive use of OPNET, the cursor disappears or stays in the "hourglass" mode for a long time (several minutes). A simulation is not being executed, and the workstation or network does not seem to be excessively loaded (as evidenced by the ability to open up windows via the window system menus).

12.0 Can I use a shell scrīpt to run a simulation?
Yes. Read the Simulation Execution chapter (specifically pages Simx-16 through Simx-18) in the OPNET External Interfaces Manual. The UNIX C shell scrīpt file given as an example is shown below.
# frnet_sweq.csh: scrīpt to run frnet simulations

#S-method simulation runs
op_rumsim -net_name frnet -duration 10.0 -parm_A 50.0 -parm_B s_method
op_rumsim -net_name frnet -duration 10.0 -parm_A 100.0 -parm_B s_method
op_rumsim -net_name frnet -duration 10.0 -parm_A 150.0 -parm_B s_method

#T-method simulation runs
op_rumsim -net_name frnet -duration 10.0 -parm_A 50.0 -parm_B t_method
op_rumsim -net_name frnet -duration 10.0 -parm_A 100.0 -parm_B t_method
op_rumsim -net_name frnet -duration 10.0 -parm_A 150.0 -parm_B t_method

Important: remember to make the scrīpt file executable before attempting to run it. For the above example, one should type at the command line (UNIX prompt):
chmod +x frnet_seq.csh

13.0 What are the OPNET programs and scrīpts and where are they documented?
Listed below are the OPNET programs and scrīpts along with brief synopses. For more detailed descrīptions including general and program-specific attributes, see the Program Descrīptions chapter (Prog) of the External Interfaces Manual.

Program Name



Program that adds trace info to OPNET model code (not a stand-alone program).


Utility to determine binary type of MIL3 programs in your path.


Utility that removes all files from <$HOME>/op_admin/tmp (safer than rm *).


Prints out a string describing host environment, including the computer manufacturer, CPU architecture, and operating system.


Utility that performs conversion between animation scrīpt and history files.


Utility for creating or modifying icons used within M3UI-based programs.


A graphical utility for defining M3UI logical keys in terms of specific key combinations.


An M3UI-based, FLS-controlled application for creating or modifying maps in the Network Editor.


Program that runs as a daemon process, issuing execution permits to FLS-controlled applications.


Program that is executed as a background process by FLS-controlled applications, releasing execution permits back to the FL Supervisor upon exit of the applications.


Utility that performs management operations related to the tracking and identification of OPNET model files, including file location, locks, security protection/registration, and header contents.


Utility that performs management operations for the FLS.


Utility that compiles and links an application program that invokes functions from the Ema library.

m3_mkorg,(Radio only)

Utility that generates an orbit coordinate dataset for a satellite node, based on a specified set of orbital elements.


Utility that formats an ASCII text file into a Postscrīpt print output file, spools the resulting file to a Postscrīpt output device.


An M3UI-based, FLS-controlled application for viewing animation flows from an executing simulation or an animation history file.


Utility that prints out function stack traceback and other program error information. The error information is extracted from an error log maintained by programs supplied by MIL 3 or based on MIL 3 object code libraries.

m3_vuorb,(Radio only)

An M3UI-based, FLS-controlled application for viewing satellite orbits in 3-D projections.


An M3UI-based, FLS-controlled application for editing and viewing OPNET models, executing simulations, and analyzing simulation output results.


Utility for converting an OPNET Release 2.5 model into a Release 3.0 model.


Utility that converts the contents of a scalar ouput file (file type suffix ".os") into a user-editable ASCII text file as well as the reverse conversion.


Provides a method for automating the OPNET installation procedure.


Utility that translates a process model into C code form, and compiles it into object code form. This utility also compiles pipeline stages and external code files.


Utility that binds a simulation together from its components: the simulation object code file, the associated model archive, and the simulation kernel libraries.


Prepares a user account's home directory (<$HOME>) for OPNET use.


Utility program to display useful summary information about a node or link model.


Program to run OPNET simulations.


Utility scrīpt that displays useful info about MIL 3 Technical Support, and allows you to print out various technical support forms.

14.0 I am ready to begin designing at the process model level, where should I start?
Below is a summary of the first 15 pages of the 120 page Process Domain Definitions (Prdef) Chapter (Modeling Manual, Volume 1).

Queues and processors (hence forth referred to as QP) offer essentially the same capabilities with regard to their general behavīor and most of their physical resources. However, queue modules provide special support for organized packet storage by allowing users to define internal subqueues in which packets can be inserted and sorted, and from which packets can be extracted according to a general, user-defined method.

A process is an instance of a process model defined with the Process Editor.

...processes are driven by events. When an event is actually delivered to a process, it is termed an interrupt, ... the process is said to be interrupted which means that it is invoked to allow it to take some action in response to the interrupt.

A process follows an alternation cycle of invocation and rest periods.

A process always begins the simulation in a resting mode, waiting to be invoked; a process that is waiting in this condition is said to be blocked.

At the moment when a simulation begins, each QP hosts only one process that is automatically created by the Simulation Kernel. This process, termed the root process, is an instance of the process model designated in the QP's "process model" attribute.

Can use root process as the only process, but it will be complex, therefore consider multiple processes. The latter approach also improves modularity.

Processes within a QP module create new processes to be associated with the QP module by calling the Kernel Procedure (KP) op_pro_create().

Root processes are created by the Kernel and dynamic processes are created by other processes.

Parent processes CAN be destroyed BEFORE their child processes.

Note that a process is capable of creating child processes of any type (i.e., based on any process model), including its own or the type of its parents; however, a complete list of child process models that it intends to instantiate must be declared prior to simulation.

Shared Memory Architecture (Communications mechanisms)
1. QP-level Shared Memory (also called module memory)
...it is up to the processes within the QP to decide how much memory is necessary and when it should become available. The processes are therefore responsible for allocating the block of shared memory.
Relevant KP's:
op_prg_mem_alloc() - performs memory allocation
op_pro_modmem_install() - sets shared memory area's address
op_pro_modmem_access() - gets shared memory area's address

In practice, a shared memory block is usually (but not necessarily) installed only once and this installation is performed by the root process when it is invoked for the first time.

2. Parent-to-child Shared Memory
The Kernel maintains an independent shared memory block for each parent-child pair in the system.
-Unlike QP-level shared memory, however, parent-to-child memory may only be installed once for each parent-child pair, when the child process is created with the KP op_pro_create().
-A process may obtain the address of the memory that it shares with its parent process by calling the KP op_pro_parmem_access().

3. Argument Memory
Communication between processes is often required at a time that one process transfers control to another by invoking it with the KP op_pro_invoke(). To support this type of information passing, op_pro_invoke() accepts a general memory address as an argument and makes this address available to the invoked process.

Operations on Dynamic Processes
When a process model is created, it is implicitly incorporated into the process hierarchy of the process that created it. There is no way to create a process in another QP than that of the current process.

process handle - the special data item returned by op_pro_create()
- variable declared by the data type Prohandle
- uniquely identifies a process, not only within a process
hierarchy, but within the entire modeled system (i.e. across all QP's)
- can also be obtained via op_pro_self(), op_pro_parent(), or op_pro_root()

Two other forms of process identification are provided, but neither is necessary to use the KP's that affect processes.
1. Process ID - can be obtained via op_pro_id()
- cannot recur within same simulation (i.e. are unique)
- used to represent processes' information output from the OPNET debugger (ODB)
2. Process tag - user-supplied string that can be assigned to a process at any time
- used only to identify processes or report special information about them as part of the output of the ODB command promap.

op_pro_destroy() - any dynamic process can be destroyed
- can be applied to other dynamic process or by a dynamic process to itself.

Regardless of the method by which a dynamic process is destroyed, the Simulation Kernel always provides it with an opportunity to perform a sequence of final actions via a special section of the process model called the Termination Block.
Characteristics of the TB:
- typically contains statements that deallocate dynamically allocated memory that is referenced within the process state variables.
- can be used to record final values of collected statistics
- can be used to notify other processes that may be affected by its destruction
- should not contain any function definitions.
- should not contain any variable declarations.

op_pro_invoke() - supports process-to-process invocation, i.e. allows one process that currently controls the thread of execution to cause another process to temporarily take control.

- process invocation does not support recursion; i.e. a process that is suspended due to having called op_pro_invoke() may not itself be invoked again until it has resumed control of the thread of execution and subsequently blocked.

- limitation on recursion applies only to process instances and NOT to process models, i.e. it is possible for distinct instances of the same process model to invoke each other.

Parent Process vs Invoking process
- a process' parent process is the one that created it and therefore a process can have only one parent (root has no parent).
- each process, including the root, may be invoked by any other process in the same process hierarchy, and different processes may even invoke it during the same event.

Interrupt Steering
When an interrupt occurs for a QP, the Simulation Kernel must make a decision concerning which process will first be invoked to handle the interrupt. The most general way to manage situations where interrupts must receive initial handling by different processes, is to create a dispatcher process that decides which process to invoke. Most often, the dispatcher process is the root process since it receives interrupts by default.

Instead of using a dispatcher process, can use two KP's that request that the Kernel automatically invoke a particular process based on the type of interrupt or based on the input on which an interrupt arrives. op_intrpt_type_register() - supports steering based on interrupt type (excluding interrupts of type self, process, and procedure).
op_intrpt_port_register() - provides additional specificity regarding the input stream or input statistic associated with the interrupt.
If both mechanisms are used, port registration has precedence over type registration.

Local Process Resources
The QP object provides the processes that it contains with certain resources that are implicitly part of each process' environment.
I/O Streams
- Packet Streams are objects that exist in the Node Editor and are used to connect modules together.
Input streams accept packets from two sources:
1. packet stream objects.
2. remote delivery service provided by op_pk_deliver() and related KP's.

op_intrpt_strm() - may be called by a process to determine which input stream received the new packet.
op_pk_get() - called by a process to obtain the earliest arriving packet that remains in an input stream of its QP (must reference appropriate input stream index).
op_strm_pksize() - returns number of packets remaining in the input stream.

Output streams support communication of packets via the KP's op_pk_send(), op_pk_send_delayed(), op_pk_send_forced(), and op_pk_send_quiet().

Output and input streams may also be referenced by the stream accessing mechanism.

15.0 How do I trouble-shoot process model compile-time errors and simulation run-time errors?

  • Examine the trouble-shooting chapter (Chapter Tsh of the Tutorial Manual).
  • Use the opnet debugger. The debugger is extensive, but here are some hints.
    - If you're using the command line mode of the debugger (instead of the M3UI), type "help" for a command summary.
    - Other good commands are: objmap all, objid, tstop, cont, objprint or attrget, hist, and quit
    - To learn more about running the OPNET Debugger (ODB), read through Simx-22 to Simx-140 of the External Interfaces Manual.
  • Use the Diagnostic Block - My understanding is that code that is contained in this block is only executed when the debugger is enabled. (You should verify this...)
  • Use the m3_vuerr command to see the function stack. The stack "builds downward" so the function which was executed last, will appear at the bottom. In order for procedures that you create to appear, you must include FIN, FRET, and FOUT statements.
  • 16.0 What's the difference between State Variables and Temporary Variables?
    According to page Bpt-15 of the Tutorial manual:
    "State variables are persistent and private. That is, they retain their value between invocations of the process model and are maintained independently for each process in the system. Temporary variables retain their values only until control is returned to the Simulation Kernel when the FSM rests in an unforced state."