星期一, 九月 24, 2012

常见拉丁文缩写大全:cf., e.g., i.e.都是啥意思

拉丁文:anno Domini
释义:in the year of the Lord 耶稣纪年,公元
例句:The United States Civil War began in AD 1861.
拉丁文:Ante Meridiem
释义:before middday 上午,午前
例句:We will meet the mayor at 10 a.m.
缩写3:c., ca.
释义:around, about, approximately 大约
例句:The antique clock is from c.1900.
释义:chapter 章节
例句:Electronic Transactions Ordinance (Cap. 553).
释义:"bring together" and hence "compare" 试比较
例句:These results were similar to those obtained using different techniques (cf. Wilson, 1999 and Ansmann, 1992).
释义:compare 比较
例句:These results were similar to those obtained using different techniques (cp. Wilson, 1999 and Ansmann, 1992).
拉丁文:curriculum vitae
释义:course of life 简历
拉丁文:et cetera
释义:and the others, and other things, and the rest 等等
例句:I need to go to the store and buy some pie, milk, cheese, etc.
拉丁文:exempli gratia
释义:for example, for instance 比如
例句:The shipping company instituted a surcharge on any items weighing over a ton; e.g., a car or truck.
释义:and following 以及接下去的
例句:see page 258ff.(参见第258页以及接下去的若干页)
释义:the same (man) 同上
用法:用来避免(在引用、脚注、书目等处)重复某个男性作者的名字。如果是女性作者,用ead. (eadem)。
拉丁文:inter alia
释义:among other things 除了别的因素以外,特别
例句:Ernest Hemingway—author (i.a. 'The Sun Also Rises') and friend.
拉丁文:id est
释义:that is, in other words 即是
例句:For reasons not fully understood there is only a minor PSI contribution to the variable fluorescence emission of chloroplasts (Dau, 1994), i.e., the PSI fluorescence appears to be independent from the state of its reaction centre (Butler, 1978).
释义:scales 磅
拉丁文:Legum Baccalaureus
释义:bachelor of laws 法学士
拉丁文:Magister Artium
释义:Master of Arts 文科硕士
拉丁文:nota bene
释义:note well 注意,留心
例句:N.B.: All the measurements have an accuracy of withi 5% as they were calibratedaccording to the procedure described by Jackson (1989).
拉丁文:opere citato
释义:the work cited 在前面所引用的书中

星期四, 九月 20, 2012



直接下載windwos的元件:Virtual C++ 2008 Redistributable packages 安裝,即可正常啟動!!






※XAMPP有很多種版本,如:Linux、Windows、Mac OS X..版本。



※林伯就是安裝中途出現問題,跳出『Ports 80 or 443 (SSL) already in use! Installing Apache2.2 service failed』錯誤訊息視窗,導致Apache Server無法啟動。


  1. [開始] → [命令提示元] → 輸入指令 netstat -oan,會列出所有的Ports的情況,並找尋被佔用的 80 和 443 Port。[圖1]
  2. 根據上述找到 443 Port,並對應到PID為4040。 [圖2]
  3. 開啟 [Windows工作管理員] → [檢視] → [選擇欄位] → 勾選[PID(程序識別元)],並按下『確定』鈕 → 選擇[處理程序]頁籤,找尋PID為4040,且查詢是哪個程式(vmware-hostd.exe)目前在使用443 Port。 [圖3]
  4. 點選[VMware Workstation] → [Edit] → [Preferences] → 選擇[Shared VMs],即可看見443 Port目前使用在VMware Workstation Server之HTTPS。 [圖4]
  5. 將預設的HTTPS:443為隨便數字(但不能與系統中的Port重複)。 [圖5]
  6. 移除先前安裝的xampp,再重新安裝過一次
  7. 重新開機後,出現成功的畫面。 [圖6]







開啟[XAMPP Control Panel],檢查是否正常啟動(Running)Apache和MySql,如有正常啟動,即安裝成功。[圖6]

星期日, 五月 20, 2012


2. Madonna Litta by Leonardo da Vinci

3. Sistine Madonna by Sanzio Raphael

4. The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci

5. Creation of Adam by Michelangelo

6. Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli

7. Liberty Leading the People by Delacroix

8. Arnolfini Marriage by Jan van Eyck

9. The Ballet Dancer by Edgar Degas

10. Black Square by Kasimir Malevich

11. The Japanese Bridge by Monet

12. The Persistence of Memory by Salvadore Dali

13. Flight of a Bee by Salvadore Dali

14. Sunflowers by Vincent van Gogh

15. Vitruvian Man by Leonardo da Vinci

16. Death Of Marat by Jacques-Louis David

17. Ship of Fools by Hieronymus Bosch

18. Tower of Babel by Pieter Brueghel the Elder

19. Icon of the Trinity by Andrei Rublev

20. Union of Earth and Water by Peter Paul Rubens

21. View of Toledo bu El Greco

22. Moulin de la Galette by Auguste Renoir

23. Venus of Urbino by Titian

24. Return of the Prodigal Son by Rembrandt

25. Crucifixion by Salvador Dali

26. The Kiss by Gustav Klimt

27. Haywain Hieronymus Bosch

28. Penitent Mary Magdalen by Titian

29. Massacre of the Innocents by Brueghel

30. Sacrifice of Isaac by Caravaggio

31. American Gothic by Grant Wood

32. The Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh

33. Olympia by Monet

34. School of Athens by Raphael

35. Triumph of Galatea by Raphael

36. Noli Me Tangere by Fra Angelico

37. Composition VIII by Kadinsky

38. Reclining Nude by Modigliani

39. Colossus by Goya

40. The Third of May by Goya

41. Tahitian Women by Paul Gauguin

42. The Nude Maja by Goya

43. Les Demoiselles d39;Avignon by Pablo Picasso

44. The Promenade by Marc Chagall

45. Bacchus and Ariadne by Titian

46. Guernica by Picasso

47. Girl with a Pearl Earring by Jan Vermeer

48. The Great Wave by Hokusai

49. Don Quixote by Pablo Picasso

50. The Old Guitarist by Picasso

51. The Son of Man by Rene Magritte

52. The Joy of Life by Henri Matisse

53. Carnival of Harlequins by Joan Miro

54. Marilyn Monroe by Andy Warhol

55. The Virgin of Chancellor Rolin by van Eyck

56. Burial of St. Lucy by Caravaggio

57. The Scream by Edvard Munch

58. The Ninth Wave by by Ivan Aivazovsky

59. The Broken Column by Frida Kahlo

60. Virgin of the Lilies by William Bouguereau

61. The Crucifixion of St. Peter by Caravaggio

62. Portrait of Henry VIII by Holbein

63. Danae by Rembrant

64. Autumn Rhythm by Jackson Pollock